Builder's Orgy. A gang of builder's descend on a renovation job and all that perspired hard manual labour in a short time acquires the pumping and the jizz flowing in the horniest, sweatiest and grittiest fucking Builder's Orgy ever! It's tea- break time when Barry the youthful apprentice boy begins fantasizing about the size of the forman's dick and pretty soon his mind is working overtime and his hand is working his own tool inside his panties. The rest of the boyz in a short time down tools and acquire their immodest builder's trackies down round their ankles as Barry watches from the side-lines as all his boyfrends acquire a pounding force -drilling fuck from the foreman in advance of they all receive stuck into a semen filled six dude fuckfest! Later that afternoon Rob the plasterer is plating the foreman's ass for him when one more 2 juvenile boyz delivering a window frame to the web site are sucked into the act and they've pretty soon got their bulky rods out and rammed up Rob's hungry butthole previous to giving him one last doube-thick coat of ball batter emulsion! If u like coarse juvenile boyz and the fittest large- cocked aged geezers you'll love this!
Duration : 01:58:40
Resolution : 624x352
Video : MPEG-4 Visual (XviD), 858 Kbps, 23.976 fps
File size: 896.6 MB