After transforming The Banker (played by Ricky Roman), the ever-mysterious entity known as Jinks (Jake Bass) faces an even larger defiance: his bitter rival and lad Moloch (Max Carter). While Jinks lives and thrives on possibility and hope for mankind, Moloch gorges on the fear of stud, growing greater amount meaty in the process. Weary from his task, Jinks asks his 3 boyz, Luck, Puck, and Abel (Levi Karter, Dillon Rossi, and Bravo Delta) to assist him in his quest to save one more soul from Moloch's strong grasp!
Format: mp4
Duration: 32:27
Video: 1280x720, AVC (H.264), 2901kbps
Audio: 116kbps
File size: 718.2 MB
Categories: All Gays