Release Year: 2023
Studio: Masonic Boys
Cast: Apprentice White, Master Snow
Genres: anal, cum, fingering, homosexual, giving a kiss, oral-sex, engulfing
I don’t think I’ve ever been as scared as I was when I walked into that room. I guess I knew that anything was resting on my interview. I had to make a valuable impression. I was despairing to join The Order, and for months and months I’d thought about no thing else. I knew it would be a life-changing experience. It’s why apprenticeships are like gold dust nice-looking, uncommon, and facile to miss. They said me not to try to second-guess the types of questions I’d be asked. I bought a fresh costume, a crisp white shirt and about five ties cuz I couldn’t work out which one was the smartest. I opted for a blue striped tie not likewise bulky, not likewise slender, blue to match my eyes and then spent hours in front of a mirror trying to ideal the knot. I kept catching my reflection in the windows as I walked towards the interview room. I not quite didn’t recognize myself. I looked so grown up and impressive! No one could tell me I wasn’t looking the part. The interview room was dazzling white. White furniture and carpet with white drapes lining the walls. It smelt expensive in a kind of masculine way, like the scent that often wafts over u when a wealthy-looking aged fellow passes u in the street. And I think I discovered that fellow. He was sitting on one of the chairs. I was staggered by how gracious that guy looked in his white dress. With his hairless head and neatly-cropped beard, I remembered that I’ve been questioning my sexuality a bit of late. A year agone I would have considered myself to be entirely str8, but sometimes I look at a fellow like him and discover myself wondering what it might feel like to play with em. Master Snow was exactly the type of chap I discover dangerously intriguing. From the pont of time I sat down next to him I discovered myself blushing and giggling like a complete imbecile. Then, when this chab opened his face hole and this unfathomable, resonant voice billowed out, oh fellow! His line of questioning wasn’t exactly helping. He went str8 in with an absolute doozer: Did I ever masturbate and, if so, how often? I contemplated lying, but he’d said me in advance of we started that honesty was vital, and, frankly, if they’re going to turn me down coz I spend majority of my waking hours thinking about my pecker, then The Order is not for me! Also, this guy was kinda fixated on me with his hypnotic blue eyes. All I could really think about was whether my swelling 10-pounder was showing in my taut dress panties. Then the totally inappropriate questions started tumbling out. Do I touch my nipps when I masturbate? Do I touch my aperture? I felt delirious, lost in the swirl betwixt his questioning and eyes. I not quite jumped out of my skin when I felt him resting his big hand on my haunch. My head just now started pounding. I need to have turned scarlet. Was that guy trying to put me at my ease? Or was this guy coming on to me? He asked if I’d ever seen homo porn and I said him, truthfully, that I hadn’t. He asked if I thought about dudes when I masturbated and I lied and said him I didn’t. His hand then started creeping towards my crotch. He asked if what this guy was doing was turning me on, so I lied and told it wasn’t. The truth is that it was turning me on greater amount than I’ve ever been turned on in my life, but that felt like likewise lengthy an answer for anybody who could barely breathe. He asked if I was ready to prove it and for some ungodly reason I told that I was… Then this chab said me to stand and take my panties off. I was astounded. In fact, it took me a scarcely any moments to realize that this chab was being serious. Nevertheless, I discovered myself rising to my feet, and in advance of I knew it I was dutifully unbuckling my thong and dropping my panties to the ground hoping that my underpants would absorb some of the cause of my embarrassment! Of course, this chab wasn’t remotely pleasured with seeing me just like that and I was instantly instructed to remove my tie. My beautifully knotted tie! I did as said, as swiftly as I could. Then this chab stood up and started to undo the buttons on my shirt. It felt so profoundly private. No one has ever done that to me previous to. He stared into my eyes and I melted into him, not caring that my ramrod was now so hard it was tenting in my clothes. He reached out and grabbed it with his hand, rubbing it seductively with a look of not quite triumph arrogantly plastered across his face. He looked a bit smug frankly, and to be honest, that look just made him appear to be even sexier to me. I was a bit freaked out when this chab sat me back on the chair and fastened my hands behind my back. I became aware of how vulnerable I suddenly was. Maybe I was about to be punished for telling lies? He could plainly tell that I was shaking, but did no thing to put my mind at rest. Then this chab started to touch me afresh in ways I can’t start to describe. He was masterful, yet fleshly. He made me grunt and gasp uncontrollably. It was as though each part of me was suddenly hard-wired to my wang. I wanted him so badly. By the time this chab started to cram his lips against the head of my knob, I genuinely thought I was going to explode. I was utterly feeble. I was his. He continued to manipulate my body. He widen my legs wide apart, poked his big fingers against my gap. While engulfing me off, his soft tie brushed gently over my belly. My body was aching for his touch. Then this guy kissed me. I felt his coarse stubble pressing against my chin and his tongue swirling it is way into my face hole. I felt like I was in a video, on display. He started to engulf me anew and I discovered my thighs driving into his face hole. It felt priceless. Real valuable. He said me to cum for him. To be honest, it was a relief to be given permission to let go. I could feel it tingling in my balls, bursting to free itself from my body. We kissed once more and I suddenly felt it gushing out of my ramrod in quantities which absolutely shocked me. Squirt after squirt, flying insatiably onto my chest and hips as my body shook.
Format: mp4
Duration: 23:02
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 7817kbps
Audio: 313kbps
File size: 1.3 GB
Categories: All Gays, Bears, Masturbation