Cast: Scoutmaster Stone, Maxwell
Genres: Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Bareback
I’ve noticed Scoutmaster Stone staring at me quite a lot lately. At 1st, I just thought that guy was being affable. I’m not particularly popular with the other boyz, and I know that the Scoutmasters have been consciously trying to receive me to integrate a bit greater amount. It all feels a bit condescending, to be honest. I’m glad with my own company and I don’t need their pitying looks. I usually politely smile back and then look away in advance of they can begin up one of these embarrassing “is anything ok at home?” conversations. But there was smth a little greater amount intensive about the way that Scoutmaster Stone was looking at me. When I caught his eye, he’d hold my gaze for the longest time. It struck me after a during the time that that what we saw in every other might’ve been the same thing. I might not have noticed the signs if I hadn’t done what I did with Scoutmaster Hernandez a not many months back. Before I met him, the idea of having sex was utterly extreme. I couldn’t work out why anyone would crave to do it! Of course, the entire experience blew my mind and I’d have happily done it with him afresh, but Scoutmaster Hernandez grew distant and strange with me. I got the message. I let him be. So in any case, when I realized Scoutmaster Stone was giving me the eye, I figured there might be a entire heap of joy to be had with him. His looks became so unsubtle that I’d often end up blushing uncontrollably.
Total size: 2.5 GB in 2 files.