Studio: SouthernStrokes
I love waking up and finding my , Claude, on the massage table cuz I know soever this chab had going on, I could aid work some of it out in greater quantity ways than one. I grabbed some lotion and started rubbing his upper back. Claude's muscles were tense, but hearing him groan said me that that guy was enjoying it so far. I moved my hands down towards his thighs and lower-back previous to making my way to his gazoo. He had on the pink ramrod I bought him for his birthday, and they looked great on him. I widen his cheeks apart and let my fingers do some exploring. His groans increased when I exchanged my finger for my tongue. Claude then stood up so I could receive his pecker in my throat. His stress levels decreased with each warm squirt of cum that landed on my face. Isn't that what a is for?
Format: mp4
Duration: 18:44
Video: 1920x1080, AVC (H.264), 7804kbps
Audio: 125kbps
File size: 1.1 GB